Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lake Guntersville Fishing

This week has had some up's and down's as far as size and numbers go for us but clients have been happy. I had two guys from Fla. at the start of the week looking for numbers. Well it was a great trip for the two days with both of them boating fish and both catching a couple of solid fish as well. We did have a few"one that got away" stories but had a great few days with them. The other two fullday trips have had better size fish with lower numbers but as many of you know, I prefer bigger fish anyway. Each of those trips have had five fish limits over 22lbs for thier efforts and sweat in the heat. I have also started topwater trips this past week and they have been awesome. With the Willow fly hatch in full swing and the full moon afternoon topwater has rocked!

The best baits for the morning and afternoon have been the Jackall SK Grande', War Eagle spinnerbaits(waking it over shallow grass), and Buzzbaits. The better size fish have been boated on Jackall Dagored, Lake Fork Live Magic Shad swimbaits, and Mikey. Best fish have been moving up on the shallow grass flats feeding hard and during the day the smaller fish come in if your looking for numbers. Once the sun is out and the heat starts the fishing slows unless the current is running. If you look for ledges off the main river position your boat at a 45 degree angle and fish toward the upriver direction making the bait follow the current. Fish seem to be working right off the drops and flat attacking the baits as they come off the first drop. Jackall Swimming Ninja swimbaits, Muscle 15+, and 3/4oz spinnerbaits are catching the more aggressive fish and getting the best reaction bites. After working an area you find fish in be sure to drop 3/4 jigs and worms to "bat clean up" and you will boat a few more fish. If the current is not running fish the same areas just position your boat on the shallow side of the ledges and work soft plastics from deeper drops up the ledge. The biggest key is making sure you keep the bait in contact with the bottom and move it SLOW! I need to repeat this MOVE IT SLOW!(just kidding) but one of the biggest mistakes I have seen in the last few years on ledge fishing is clients that fish a bait too fast when the bite gets harder.
I feel like the bites are getting stronger on the ledges but anglers need to know when you are fishing for those Lake Guntersville"Toads" you need to be patient and fish hard. Once you find them work the area hard and you can have a great time. Be sure to let me know if you would like to see something done on a certian tactic or bait and I will either get it done or interview someone that is an expert on it. We are always looking for ideas for future articles. Also be sure to check out for all the up to date weather, articles, video, and on water fishing reports. Let us know what you think and if there is something there that you think would make the site better. Good fishing and see you on the water.

God Bless

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