Monday, January 31, 2011

Well the last day of Jan gave us alot of fog and misting rain all day. I started out on the lower end of the lake fishing creek channels near the river and went the first 3 hours without a single bite. After making alot of moves and covering a ton of water I found a section or two that produced. I fished mainly 6-12 feet of water with better results on steep drops. The Jackall Soul Shad and TN70 were the best baits I found to produce.

I then loaded the boat and moved further up river putting in at Waterfront Tackle. I fished the afternoon up river having about the same luck. I fished and made a ton of cast but once you found a fish they were not alone. Ended the day on a good note with a solid 7 pounder and saw 3 following it when I put it in the boat. The afternoon baits were the same but I did have 3 on the I-Shad rigged on the I-Motion head. The fog was getting worse as I was coming in so I would think it will be just as bad in the morning. If you get out there go slow and pay close attn to other boats, they might not beable to see you.

I also wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone that came out last weekend to Bass Pro Shops for the boat show. We had a great time and I met some awesome people. The fish in the tank were nice to me and liked just about everything I tossed in the tank. I will be on the water everyday until I leave for the Bassmaster Classic then back the following weekend at Bass Pro Shops until the end of their Spring Fishing CLassic.

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