Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lake Guntersville 11-18-09

Headed out for a short time today after the cold fronts hit and the temps fell like a rock. I was expecting the fishing to be like it has been in the last few days but it was far from it. I had been following some fish that were alot slower to eat but bigger out of pockets during the last few days as they moved to deeper cover and main points near the mouths or creek channels. Well those fish like in days past were still moving and seem to have made the move to the main lake. I ended up finding sereral groups of fish in 10-18 feet of water and out on ledges and some bigger structure. My better numbers came off Jackall Crosstail Shad(ayu and Green Pumpkin) and Jackall Muscle 15+ crankbaits. The better fish were a bit more sluggish to coax into eating but they were well worth the wait. The Jackall Craw and Swimming Ninja were the baits of choice and boated several really good fish. Best five today would have gone around 26-27 lbs. with one solid kicker fish.
Best advice I could give is if an angler is looking for numbers stay on creek channels and in pockets and move shallow as the day gets longer and water temps warm up. If you want bigger fish don't bother getting out until 10 or so and stay on deep drops and near main lake areas and open water humps. These areas are producing great size but it's hero or zero type fishing. Best of luck to everyone and I will be back at it in the morning. Also thank you for the support and the awesome response on the Christmas Gift Cards. They are going fast so if someone is interested you need to have Santa give us a call. See you on the water.

God Bless

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